About Me

I'm Meng-Syuan Lin an M.S. student in the Department of Computer Science at NCU, advised by professor Fu-Hau Hsu, and joined the Advanced Defense Laboratory.


    M.S. in Computer Science
    National Central University, Sept. 2022 - July 2024
    GPA 4.19/4.3
    Teaching Assistant: “Programming Language”, “Linux Operating System”
    Advanced Defense Lab
    Advisor: Prof. Fu-Hau Hsu

    B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
    National Central University, Sept. 2017 - Jun. 2022
    Minor in Computer Science

Work Experience

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company - Software Developer, Sep. 2024 -

    Hewlett Packard Enterprise - System Software Engineer Intern, July 2023 - Jun. 2024

    • Linux Enablement team, Firmware and OS Engineering
    • Developed an automation tool for testing the operating systems including Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS, and Citrix
    • Developed a web service that can analyze the logs of the system boot process and capture useful information from 30,000+ lines

    Intel Corporation - Software and Data Analytic Intern, July 2022 - Jun. 2023

    • Platform Architecture Infrastructure Validation team, Data Center & AI department
    • Developed automation tool for setting environment and run scripts on 50+ servers and reducing time by 90%
    • Collaborated with HW engineers to visualize departmental issues, enabling the identification of weekly trends

    Microsoft Corporation - Software Engineer Intern, July 2020 - Jun. 2021

    • Project management team, Cloud Hardware Manufacturing Engineering department
    • Developed alert service for driving supplier's performance (Python)
    • Developed the dashboard for data visualization and analysis on 100+ deliveries of checklist with PMs
    • Served as a Microsoft Student Ambassador, responsible for sharing internship experiences on campus and organizing workshops for undergraduate students


    Protect Remote Files in Linux, June 2023 -

    • It addressed the security concerns of company WFH policies.
    • This is an operating system that restricts remote users from accessing files.
    • Put important file paths in the ban list so that remote users cannot access files in these paths.
    • Only when you back to the company, you can access files on the host computer.
    • Based on not affecting the operation of the operating system, the remote IP is checked through the socket in the OS kernel to restrict remote users.
    • Tool: C language, Linux Kernel (socket), virtual machine on GCP.

    Operating System Design & Implementation (Bare Programming), Feb. 2023 - June 2023

    • Developed a simple shell on rpi3b and a UART bootloader.
    • Developed simple allocator & Buddy system.
    • Developed a scheduler through the way of Round Robin.
    • Tool: ARM, C language, Linux environment, rpi3b.
